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<strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>QUALITY</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>CUSTOMER</strong> <strong>SATISFACTION</strong>:<br />





KDU College<br />


This study was designed to examine the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and<br />

customer’s re-patronage intentions in the context of the restaurant industry. The respondents were 377 restaurant<br />

patrons who completed the self-administered questionnaire. Pearson Correlation analysis indicated that service<br />

quality and customer satisfaction had a direct positive effect on customer’s re-patronage intentions. Multiple<br />

Linear Regression highlighted customer satisfaction as a stronger predictor of re-patronage intentions compared<br />

to service quality. Possible interpretations, limitations, and implications for marketing professionals are<br />

discussed.<br />

Key words: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Re-patronage Intentions, Restaurant<br />


In today’s fast-paced and increasingly competitive market, the bottom line of a firm’s<br />

marketing strategies and tactics is to make profits and contribute to the growth of the<br />

company. Customer satisfaction, quality and retention are global issues that affect all<br />

organizations, be it large or small, profit or non-profit, global or local. Many companies are<br />

interested in studying, evaluating and implementing marketing strategies that aim at<br />

improving customer retention and maximizing share of customers in view of the beneficial<br />

effects on the financial performance for the firm. There has been a strong advocacy for the<br />

adoption of customer retention as one of the key performance indicators (e.g. Kaplan and<br />

Norton, 2001). For instance, a study by Reichheld and Sasser (1990) reported a high<br />

correlation between customer retention and profitability in a range of industries. However,<br />

the fragmentation of media choices and the dynamic nature of the market, coupled with an<br />

increased number of more demanding and affluent consumers, brought greater challenges to<br />

marketing practitioners in retaining their customers.<br />

Quality and customer satisfaction have long been recognized as playing a crucial role for<br />

success and survival in today’s competitive market. Not surprisingly, considerable research<br />

has been conducted on these two concepts. Notably, the quality and satisfaction concepts<br />

have been linked to customer behavioural intentions like purchase and loyalty intention,<br />

Email: a crystalyap@kdu.edu.my

Sunway Academic Journal 4 60<br />

willingness to spread positive word of mouth, referral, and complaint intention by many<br />

researchers (Olsen, 2002; Kang, Nobuyuki and Herbert, 2004; Söderlund and Öhman, 2005).<br />

The most commonly found studies were related to the ‘antecedents, moderating, mediating<br />

and behavioral consequences’ relationships among these variables – customer satisfaction,<br />

service quality, perceived value and behavioral intentions. However, there have been mixed<br />

results produced.<br />

As many industry sectors mature, competitive advantage through high quality service is an<br />

increasingly important weapon in business survival. The restaurant industry has certainly<br />

not been exempted from increased competition or rising consumer expectations of quality.<br />

In Malaysia, the restaurant industry is undergoing a dramatic transformation and<br />

experiencing heightened competition. Restaurant is an important but often neglected area of<br />

study (Kivela, Inbakaran and Reece, 1999a). The fact is that ‘restaurant business’ is<br />

regarded as a low credence service and the quality of the services are difficult to prove until<br />

customers patronise the restaurant. Moreover, the quality of the service that customers<br />

encounter may be different each time they re-visit that particular restaurant, thus influencing<br />

the level of satisfaction and eventually affecting their re-patronage intentions. Given these<br />

important issues that need to be addressed, the main purpose of this study was to examine<br />

the factors that affect customers’ repatronage intentions in the restaurant context.<br />

Specifically, this paper aims to examine the nature and strength of relationships between<br />

customer satisfaction, service quality and customer’s repatronage intentions. The predictive<br />

ability of satisfaction and service quality on repatronage intention will also be analyzed.<br />

<strong>CUSTOMER</strong> <strong>SATISFACTION</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>SERVICE</strong> <strong>QUALITY</strong><br />

The interest in studying satisfaction and service quality as the antecedents of customer<br />

behavioural intentions in this paper has been stimulated, firstly, by the recognition that<br />

customer satisfaction does not, on its own, produce customer lifetime value (Appiah-Adu,<br />

1999). Secondly, satisfaction and quality are closely linked to market share and customer<br />

retention (Fornell, 1992; Rust and Zahorik, 1993; Patterson and Spreng, 1997). There are<br />

overwhelming arguments that it is more expensive to win new customers than to keep<br />

existing ones (Ennew and Binks, 1996; Hormozi and Giles, 2004). This is in line with<br />

Athanassopoulos, Gounaris and Stathakopoulos’s (2001) arguments that customer<br />

replacement costs, like advertising, promotion and sales expenses, are high and it takes time<br />

for new customers to become profitable. And lastly, the increase of retention rate implied<br />

greater positive word of mouth (Appiah-Adu, 1999), decrease price sensitivity and future<br />

transaction costs (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990) and, finally, leading to better business<br />

performance (Fornell, 1992; Ennew and Binks, 1996; Bolton, 1998; Ryals, 2003).<br />

From the literature that has been reviewed so far, customer satisfaction seems to be the<br />

subject of considerable interest by both marketing practitioners and academics since 1970s<br />

(Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Jones and Suh, 2000). Companies and researchers first<br />

tried to measure customer satisfaction in the early 1970s, on the theory that increasing it<br />

would help them prosper (Coyles and Gokey, 2002). Throughout the 1980s, researchers<br />

relied on customer satisfaction and quality ratings obtained from surveys for performance

61 Sunway Academic Journal 4<br />

monitoring, compensation as well as resource allocation (Bolton, 1998) and began to<br />

examine further the determinants of customer satisfaction (Swan and Trawick, 1981;<br />

Churchill and Surprenant, 1982; Bearden and Teel, 1983). In the 1990s, however,<br />

organizations and researchers have become increasingly concerned about the financial<br />

implications of their customer satisfaction (Rust and Zahorik, 1993; Bolton, 1998).<br />

While satisfaction has been examined by many researchers in different industries (Fornell,<br />

1992; Anderson and Sullivan, 1993; Bolton, 1998; Caruana, 2002; Ranaweera and Prabhu,<br />

2003), service quality is also likely to influence consumer behavioural intentions (Bitner,<br />

1990; Cronin and Taylor, 1992, 1994; Choi et al., 2004). Cronin, Brady and Hult (2000)<br />

stated that examining only one variable at a time may confound the understanding of<br />

consumer decision-making and this may lead to inappropriate marketing strategies. This<br />

view is supported by Caruana (2002) and it is crucial to study the effect of other constructs<br />

such as quality on behavioural intentions in addition to customer satisfaction. Hence, this<br />

study incorporated service quality into the model in examining customer’s repatronage<br />

intentions in the restaurant context.<br />

Definition of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Repatronage Intention<br />

There are many researchers who have defined service quality in different ways. For instance,<br />

Bitner, Booms and Mohr (1994, p. 97) define service quality as ‘the consumer’s overall<br />

impression of the relative inferiority / superiority of the organisation and its services’. While<br />

other researchers (e.g. Cronin and Taylor, 1994; Taylor and Cronin, 1994) view service<br />

quality as a form of attitude representing a long-run overall evaluation, Parasuraman,<br />

Zeithaml and Berry (1985, p. 48) defined service quality as ‘a function of the differences<br />

between expectation and performance along the quality dimensions’. This has appeared to<br />

be consistent with Roest and Pieters’ (1997) definition that service quality is a relativistic<br />

and cognitive discrepancy between experience-based norms and performances concerning<br />

service benefits.<br />

Many researchers (Oliver, 1981; Brady and Robertson, 2001; Lovelock, Patterson and<br />

Walker, 2001) conceptualize customer satisfaction as an individual’s feeling of pleasure or<br />

disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome)<br />

in relation to his or her expectations. Generally, there are two general conceptualisations of<br />

satisfaction, namely, transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction (Boulding<br />

et al., 1993; Jones and Suh, 2000; Yi and La, 2004). Transaction-specific satisfaction is a<br />

customer’s evaluation of his or her experience and reactions to a particular service encounter<br />

(Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Boshoff and Gray, 2004), and cumulative satisfaction refers to<br />

the customer’s overall evaluation of the consumption experience to date (Johnson, Anderson<br />

and Fornell, 1995).<br />

Intentions are subjective judgements about how a person will behave in the future and<br />

usually serves as dependent variables in many service research and satisfaction models<br />

(Boulding et al., 1993; Soderlund and Ohman, 2003). Rust, Zahorik and Keiningham (1995)<br />

argues that repurchase intentions and actual repurchase patterns are not necessarily the same.

Sunway Academic Journal 4 62<br />

Butcher (2005) agreed that repurchase intention is regarded as a sound service outcome that<br />

is measurable. While Soderlund and Ohman (2003) consider repurchase intentions as<br />

intentions-as-expectations, Hellier et al. (2003, p. 1764) defined repurchase intention as ‘the<br />

individual’s judgement about buying again a designated service from the same company,<br />

taking into account his or her current situation and likely circumstances’.<br />

The Distinction between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction<br />

A review of the emerging literature suggests that there appears to be relative consensus<br />

among marketing researchers that service quality and customer satisfaction are separate<br />

constructs which is unique and share a close relationship (Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Oliver,<br />

1993). Most researchers in the services field have maintained that these constructs are<br />

distinct (Bitner, 1990; Carman, 1990; Boulding et al., 1993; Spreng and Mackoy, 1996).<br />

Table 1 identifies a number of key elements that distinguish customer satisfaction from<br />

service quality.<br />

Table 1. The Distinction between Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality<br />

Customer Satisfaction<br />

Customer satisfaction can result from any<br />

dimension, whether or not it is quality<br />

related.<br />

Customer satisfaction judgements can be<br />

formed by a large number of non-quality<br />

issues, such as needs, equity, perceptions of<br />

fairness.<br />

Customer satisfaction is believed to have<br />

more conceptual antecedents.<br />

Satisfaction judgements do require<br />

experience with the service or provider.<br />

Service Quality<br />

The dimensions underlying quality<br />

judgements are rather specific.<br />

Expectations for quality are based on ideals<br />

or perceptions of excellence.<br />

Service quality has less conceptual<br />

antecedents.<br />

Quality perceptions do not require<br />

experience with the service or provider.<br />

Source: Adapted from various sources (Taylor, 1993; Oliver, 1993; Rust and Oliver, 1994; Spreng and Mackoy,<br />

1996; Choi et al., 2004; Grace and O’Cass, 2005)<br />


The present paper developed a conceptual framework (see Figure 1), which aims to examine<br />

the predictive ability as well as the nature and strength of relationship between service<br />

quality, customer satisfaction and re-patronage intentions. All constructs were<br />

conceptualised to fit better into the current study setting. Based on the original view of<br />

Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985), service quality was conceptualised as a function<br />

for the differences between expectation and performance along with restaurant attributes<br />

such as food quality, service transaction, environment, convenience issues, and its overall<br />

images. Next, customer satisfaction has been conceptualized in this study as the patrons’

63 Sunway Academic Journal 4<br />

cumulative post-purchase affective evaluation based on the most recent services<br />

consumption experience at the restaurant. Lastly, the repatronage intention construct has<br />

been conceptualized as a customer’s likelihood of revisiting the restaurant during the<br />

coming month by adopting the definition of Hellier et al. (2003).<br />

Service Quality<br />

Customer<br />

Satisfaction<br />

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study<br />

Source: Cronin, J. J., Brady, M. K., and Hult, G. (2000). Assessing the Effects of Quality, Value, and Customer<br />

Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intentions in Service Environments. Journal of Retailing, 76(2), 193-218.<br />

The Direct Effect of Service Quality on Repatronage Intentions<br />

Substantial empirical and theoretical evidence in the literature suggests that there is a direct<br />

link between service quality and behavioural intentions (Bitner, 1990; Bolton and Drew,<br />

1991a). Among the various behavioural intentions, considerable emphasis has been placed<br />

on the impact of service quality in determining repeat purchase and customer loyalty (Jones<br />

and Farquhar, 2003). As pointed out by Bolton (1998), service quality influences a<br />

customer’s subsequent behaviour, intentions and preferences. When a customer chooses a<br />

provider that provides service quality that meets or exceeds his or her expectations, he or<br />

she is more likely to choose the same provider again. Besides, Cronin and Taylor (1994)<br />

also found that service quality has a significant effect on repurchase intentions. Other<br />

studies which support that repurchase intentions are positively influenced by service quality<br />

include Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman (1996), Cronin and Taylor (1992, 1994), Cronin,<br />

Brady and Hult (2000), and Choi et al. (2004). Hence, it was hypothesized that:<br />

H1: Service quality is positively related to re-patronage intentions.<br />

The Direct Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Repatronage Intentions<br />

Re-patronage<br />

Intentions<br />

A wide variety of studies has been done to support the link between customer satisfaction<br />

and behavioural intentions (Fornell, 1992; Rust and Zahorik, 1993; Taylor and Baker, 1994;<br />

Patterson and Spreng, 1997). Bearden and Teel (1983, p. 21) argue that ‘customer

Sunway Academic Journal 4 64<br />

satisfaction is important to the marketer because it is generally assumed to be a significant<br />

determinant of repeat sales, positive word of mouth, and customer loyalty’. Similarly,<br />

Anderson and Sullivan (1993) have also argued that the more satisfied the customers are, the<br />

greater is their retention. This view is also supported by Ranaweera and Prabhu (2003) study<br />

that the effects of customer satisfaction on customer retention are found to be significant and<br />

positive. Specifically, the levels of customer satisfaction will influence the level of<br />

repurchase intentions and this is supported by past research in a wide variety of studies<br />

(Rust and Zahorik, 1993; Taylor and Baker, 1994; Patterson and Spreng, 1997; Bolton, 1998;<br />

Hellier et al., 2003). On the basis of the above, it was then hypothesized that:<br />

H2: Customer satisfaction is positively related to re-patronage intentions.<br />

The Relative Importance of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction for the Prediction<br />

of Customer Repatronage Intentions<br />

Both service quality and customer satisfaction have been widely recognised as antecedents<br />

of repurchase intentions. However, it is believed that restaurant owners would like to know<br />

which of these variables exerts the strongest influence on re-patronage intentions. A recent<br />

study reveals that customer satisfaction is a better predictor of intentions to repurchase than<br />

service quality (Ravald and Gronroos, 1996). Evidence is provided by Cronin and Taylor<br />

(1992) who found a much stronger relationship between customer satisfaction and<br />

repurchase intentions than the relationship between service quality and repurchase intentions.<br />

Academically, from a practitioner’s point of view, customer satisfaction is deemed to be<br />

more influential on repurchase intentions (Dabholkar, 1995). Parasuraman, Zeithaml and<br />

Berry (1994) also revealed in their analyses that customer satisfaction is likely to achieve a<br />

greater level of statistical significance when both service quality and customer satisfaction<br />

have a significant effect on repurchase intentions.<br />

METHOD<br />

Participants<br />

H3: Customer satisfaction will be a stronger predictor of customer’s repatronage<br />

intention than service quality.<br />

There are three major categories of restaurants in Malaysia (1) family restaurant, (2) fast<br />

food outlets and (3) fine dining. Malaysia is, perhaps, not particularly known for its fine<br />

dining scene and research has been conducted on fast food restaurant. Hence, this paper<br />

focused only on the family restaurant as there is a lack of studies carried out in this context<br />

in Malaysia. The sampling unit in this study was FUSION, a Chinese cuisine family<br />

restaurant situated in Klang Valley, Malaysia, which serves HALAL food. A sample size of<br />

420 was targeted and the subjects are patrons who visited the FUSION restaurant at least

65 Sunway Academic Journal 4<br />

three times in the past 6 months and involve an exchange of money for services rendered. A<br />

filtering question was used to screen qualified respondents who met the requirement.<br />

Design and Procedure<br />

This study design is cross-sectional in nature and was conducted using self-administered<br />

questionnaires with the consent from the restaurant owner beforehand. Pilot testing was<br />

conducted using a small convenience sample of 35 respondents, including the restaurant<br />

owner who checked for any ambiguities and confusion in the first draft of the questionnaires.<br />

Data was collected from the patrons who visited FUSION restaurant from June 2006 to<br />

October 2006. The respondents were informed that their participation was on a voluntary<br />

basis and all information provided would be kept private and confidential. Questionnaires<br />

were distributed only to those who qualified and agreed to participate in the study. The<br />

researcher then briefly explained the nature and requirement of the survey before the<br />

respondent filled up the questionnaire.<br />

Measures<br />

The multiple-items used to measure service quality were taken from Parasuraman, Zeithaml<br />

and Berry (1985) and Kivela, Reece and Inbakaran (1999b). A total of 14 items was used<br />

and includes the additional item (i.e. operating hours convenience) based on the suggestions<br />

of restaurant owners during the pilot testing. Single-item approach was used for the<br />

satisfaction and repatronage intention construct. Typically, assessment of reliability in terms<br />

of internal consistency cannot be computed for single-item measurement (Soderlund and<br />

Ohman, 2003). Rossiter (2002) has strongly argued that intentions should not be captured<br />

with multiple-item scales, as they invite the possibility of a confounded measurement.<br />

Though Churchill (1979) argued that single items are unreliable, Rossiter (2002) opposed<br />

this by demonstrating that the main issue is the validity problem rather than reliability<br />

problem. This is further supported by Westbrook and Oliver (1981) who indicated that<br />

single item rating scales were common among researchers in testing customer satisfaction.<br />

All the three main constructs were measured, using a five-point Likert scale. Selected<br />

demographic data was also collected at the end of the questionnaire.<br />


The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Windows Version 13.0 (SPSS 13.0) was<br />

used to analyse the data collected.<br />

Descriptive Findings<br />

A total of 420 questionnaires was distributed, of which 377 were returned completed and<br />

met the screening requirements, representing a net response rate of 89.8% out of which 25

Sunway Academic Journal 4 66<br />

was excluded from further analysis due to missing data. Among the 377 respondents, 60%<br />

were females and 82.7% were aged between 20 to 49. As expected, a majority of them were<br />

Chinese customers and about half of the respondents (56%) were middle-income earners<br />

receiving a monthly income from RM2,000 to RM4,999.<br />

Customer Expectations. Based on the mean analysis, it was found that the highest<br />

expectations were related to the convenience and service factors. This may be due to the<br />

busy lifestyle in urban areas. On the other hand, the restaurant’s image scored the lowest in<br />

terms of customer expectation. However, this does not suggest that restaurateurs can ignore<br />

the importance of image but at least fulfil the minimum expectation of customers.<br />

Perceived Performance. The respondents’ general perception towards the service quality<br />

offered by the restaurant was between a mean score of 3.24 (Atmosphere factors) and 3.90<br />

(Convenience factors). Further analysis by comparing the perceived performance and<br />

expectation level revealed that the perceived performance on all dimensions fell short of<br />

their expectations, except for the convenience factor. This indicates that the service quality<br />

offered did not meet their customers’ expectations on most aspects.<br />

The Direct Effects of Service Quality and Satisfaction on Repatronage Intention<br />

Table 2 provides a matrix of the correlation coefficient for the main measures.<br />

Table 2. Intercorrelations between Main Measures<br />

Repatronage Service Customer<br />

Variables<br />

Intention Quality Satisfaction<br />

Repatronage<br />

Intention<br />

Pearson Correlation<br />

Sig. (2-tailed)<br />

N<br />

1<br />

.<br />

377<br />

.537**<br />

.000<br />

377<br />

.822**<br />

.000<br />

377<br />

Service<br />

Quality<br />

Pearson Correlation<br />

Sig. (2-tailed)<br />

N<br />

.537**<br />

.000<br />

377<br />

1<br />

.<br />

377<br />

.486**<br />

.000<br />

377<br />

Customer<br />

Satisfaction<br />

Pearson Correlation<br />

Sig. (2-tailed)<br />

N<br />

.822**<br />

.000<br />

377<br />

.486**<br />

.000<br />

377<br />

1<br />

.<br />

377<br />

Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).<br />

The results for direct effect of service quality on repatronage intention revealed an r-value of<br />

0.537 and the correlation is significant at p

67 Sunway Academic Journal 4<br />

was relatively higher (r² = .68). It was also found that service quality is positively correlated<br />

with satisfaction (r = .486, p

Model R R²<br />

Sunway Academic Journal 4 68<br />

Table 3. Model Summary of Multiple Regression<br />

Adjusted<br />

R²<br />

Std.<br />

Error of<br />

the<br />

Estimate Change Statistics<br />

R² F<br />

Sig. F<br />

Change Change df1 df2 Change<br />

1 .539(a) .290 .288 .977 .290 153.402 1 375 .000<br />

2 .836(b) .700 .698 .636 .409 509.763 1 374 .000<br />

Durbin-<br />

Watson<br />

3 .822(c) .675 .674 .661 -.025 30.831 1 374 .000 1.725<br />

Notes:<br />

a Predictors: (Constant), Service Quality<br />

b Predictors: (Constant), Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction<br />

c Predictors: (Constant), Customer Satisfaction<br />

d Dependent Variable: Re-patronage Intentions<br />

Table 4. Coefficients Analysis<br />

Unstandardized Standardized<br />

Model Variable<br />

Coefficients<br />

Std.<br />

Coefficients t Sig.<br />

B Error Beta<br />

1 (Constant) 3.282 .051 64.783 .000<br />

Service Quality .935 .075 .539 12.386 .000<br />

2 (Constant) -.071 .152 -.468 .640<br />

Service Quality .313 .056 .180 5.553 .000<br />

Customer Satisfaction .974 .043 .733 22.578 .000<br />

3 (Constant) -.493 .137 -3.596 .000<br />

Customer Satisfaction 1.091 .039 .822 27.902 .000<br />

Note: Dependent Variable: Re-patronage Intentions<br />

DISCUSSION <strong>AND</strong> CONCLUSION<br />

In summary, all the hypotheses were strongly supported and the proposed framework of the<br />

present study was able to demonstrate strong explanatory power. Notably, this study<br />

provides evidence for the direct effect of service quality and satisfaction on repatronage<br />

intention as suggested by the literature and satisfaction emerged as a stronger predictor of<br />

repatronage intentions in the restaurant settings. A number of marketing implications can be<br />

drawn from this study. The descriptive result reveals that patrons’ perception towards<br />

service quality level provided was consistently lower than their expectation. This implies<br />

that more effort is needed to improve the service quality level of the restaurant. The<br />

frontline staff may well be trained to be more responsive and sensitive to customer needs,<br />

thus providing services that are more efficient and effective. In addition, the restaurant<br />

atmosphere can also be improved by ensuring cleanliness and favourable ambience with<br />

appropriate music and lighting. Customer satisfaction is also very crucial for marketing

69 Sunway Academic Journal 4<br />

planning since satisfaction does influence customers’ intention to repatronage the restaurant<br />

in future. Hence, marketers should look into the factors that would affect customer<br />

satisfaction level. In addition, as customer expectations are changing over time, practitioners<br />

are advised to measure their customer expectation and satisfaction regularly and handle<br />

complaints timely and effectively.<br />

The present study has a number of limitations. Firstly, the nature of sampling unit under<br />

study cannot be generalized to a larger population as only one restaurant was examined and<br />

the use of single-item measurement for satisfaction construct has low reliability (Churchill,<br />

1979). Secondly, the causal relationship between service quality and satisfaction was not<br />

addressed in the present study. Thirdly, the use of cross-sectional data in a single industry<br />

also limits some of the conclusions obtained.<br />

In view of the limitations, future study should use different sampling units which are more<br />

generalizable and conduct the study nationwide. The proposed model can also be extended<br />

to other service industries or other types of restaurants. In terms of measurement issues,<br />

future research may use multiple items to strengthen the reliability of satisfaction construct.<br />

Also, the structural relationships among the three constructs should be examined. Additional<br />

constructs may also be added into this model, based on the literature, and be tested<br />

empirically.<br />


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